CSC scholar - Ph.D./Ph.D. Positions

Urban resilience is crucial in city planning and development as urban areas face increasing pressures from urbanization, population growth, and various natural and human-made disasters.
With over half of the global population living in urban areas, ensuring the safety, security, and well-being of urban residents has never been more important. Climate change exacerbates these risks, making urban areas more vulnerable to environmental challenges.
Our Urban Resilience Lab (URL) is dedicated to understanding these challenges and developing evidence-based strategies to mitigate them. Through the use of cutting-edge methodologies and digital technologies, we aim to develop innovative decision-support tools for informed resilient urban and regional planning, development, and maintenance. By balancing social, economic, and environmental needs, urban resilience can protect residents and the environment, creating more sustainable, livable, and inclusive urban areas for future generations.
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