In the Triangulum project an exploitation and replication framework is developed for smart city solutions across the domains of energy, transport and ICT.
Exploitation and Replication within Triangulum will be catalyzed through the development of the Smart City Framework that is based on the ongoing evaluation of smart city implementations in the Lighthouse Cities Manchester, Eindhoven and Stavanger and heavily draws on the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities.
By “Framework” we refer to a guideline and decision-making tool that helps Follower Cities and other interested cities to replicate smart city solutions based on local factors and functioning modules of integrated technologies (energy, transport, ICT), business models and stakeholder structures.
The “Framework” will consist of two main elements that help to combine individual aspects of a city with a set of smart city modules:
a) An assessment tool containing a set of smart city indicators, a checklist of important key action fields for smart city development and a methodology to identify the best local starting points for smart city implementation
b) A project development guideline detailing functioning smart city modules (clusters of integrated technologies energy, transport, ICT), business models and stakeholder structures) and linking them to the ICT Reference Architecture
The concept is completed by our strong focus on Follower Cities that are enabled through this project to start the implementation of their own smart city solutions after year 3 of the project. By transferring success factors and local frame conditions to Follower Cities we close the feedback loop between successful project implementation and replication.
Project information
- Category Energy transition
- Author -
- Project date 02/2015 - 01/2020