Research Publications

Yang, D., de Vries, B., & van der Schaft, L. (2020). The construction workers’ preference and acceptance of innovations in data provision: A stated choice experiment study in the Netherlands. Journal of Building Engineering, p.,101970.

Donkers, A. J. A., Yang, D. & Viktorovic, M., (2020). Influence of driving style, infrastructure, weather and traffic on electric vehicle performance. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 88, 13 p., 102569.

Viktorović, M., Yang, D. & de Vries, B., (2020). Connected Traffic Data Ontology (CTDO) for Intelligent Urban Traffic Systems Focused on Connected (Semi) Autonomous Vehicles. Sensors. 20, 10, 2961.

Liu, Y., Yang, D., Timmermans, H. & de Vries, B., (2020). The impact of the street-scale built environment on pedestrian metro station access/egress route choice. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 87, p., 102491.

Liu, Y., Yang, D., Timmermans, H. & de Vries, B., (2020). Analysis of the impact of street-scale built environment design near metro stations on pedestrian and cyclist road segment choice: a stated choice (Accepted/In press). Journal of Transport Geography. 82

Gu, G., Feng, T., Yang, D. & Timmermans, H., (2020). Modeling dynamics in household car ownership over life courses: a latent class competing risks model. Transportation.

Dane, G., Kim, J. & Yang, D., (2020). Preferences regarding a web-based, neighborhood-level intervention program to promote household energy conservation. Journal of Urban Technology.

Ao, Y., Yang, D., Chen, C. & Wang, Y., (2019). Effects of rural built environment on travel-related CO2 emissions considering travel attitudes. Transportation Research. Part D: Transport and Environment. 73, p. 187-204.

Ao, Y., Yang, D., Chen, C. & Wang, Y., (2019). Exploring the effects of the rural built environment on household car ownership after controlling for preference and attitude: Evidence from Sichuan, China. Journal of Transport Geography. 74, p. 24-36 13 p.

Gu, G., Yang, D., Feng, T. & Timmermans, H., (2019). Household vehicle holding decisions in response to life cycle events. Transportation Research Procedia. 37, p. 171-178.

Yang, D., Kuijpers, A., Dane, G. & van der Sande, T., (2019). Impacts of large-scale truck platooning on Dutch highways. Transportation Research Procedia. 37, p. 425-432.

Gu, G., Yang, D., Feng, T. & Timmermans, H., (2019). Influence of the adoption of new mobility tools on investments in home renewable energy equipment: results of a stated choice experiment. Sustainable Cities and Society. 50(11) p., 101641.

Viktorovic, M., Yang, D., de Vries, B. & Baken, N. (2019). Semantic web technologies as enablers for truly connected mobility within smart cities. Procedia Computer Science. 151, p. 31-36.

Martin, C., Evans, J., Karvonen, A., Paskaleva, K., Yang, D. & Linjordet, T., (2019). Smart-sustainability: a new urban fix?. Sustainable Cities and Society. 45, p. 640-648.

Zhao, X., Feng, Y., Yang, D. & Zhao, D (2018). Advanced management in civil engineering projects. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2018, 2 p., 6717964.

Kim, S., Rasouli, S., Timmermans, H. & Yang, D.(2018). Estimating panel effects in probabilistic representations of dynamic decision trees using bayesian generalized linear mixture models. Transportation Research. Part B: Methodological. 111, p. 168-184.

Ao, Y., Chen, C., Yang, D. & Wang, Y., (2018). Relationship between rural built environment and household vehicle ownership: an empirical analysis in rural Sichuan, China. Sustainability. 10(5), 1566.

Paskaleva, K., Evans, J., Martin, C. J., Linjordet, T., Yang, D. & Karvonen, A. (2017). Data governance in the sustainable smart city. Informatics. 4, 4, 19 p., 41.

Rasouli, S., Timmermans, H. J. P. & Yang, D. (2017). Editorial: Three tales about limits to smart cities solutions. Urban Planning. 2, 3, 3 p.

Kim, S., Yang, D., Rasouli, S. & Timmermans, H.J.P. (2017). Heterogeneous hazard model of PEV users charging intervals: analysis of four year charging transactions data. Transportation Research. Part C: Emerging Technologies, 82, 248-260.

Yang, D. & Timmermans, H.J.P. (2017). Households transport-home energy conservation strategies in response to energy price policies: a stated adaptation experiment based on portfolio choices and cross effects designs. International Journal of Sustainable Transport, 11(2), 133-147.

Yang, D., Timmermans, H. & Borgers, A. (2016). The prevalence of context-dependent adjustment of activity-travel patterns in energy conservation strategies: results from a mixture-amount stated adaptation experiment. Transportation, 43(1), 79-100.

Yang, D. & Timmermans, H.J.P. (2015). Analysis of Consumer Response to Fuel Price Fluctuations Applying Sample Selection Model to GPS Panel Data: Dynamics in Individuals' Car Use, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 67-79.

Yang, D. and Timmermans, H.J.P. (2014). Effects of Urban Spatial Form on Individuals’ Footprints: Empirical Study Based on Personal GPS Panel Data from Rotterdam and Eindhoven Area. Procedia Environmental Sciences 22,169-177.

Yang, D. and Timmermans, H.J.P. (2014). The Prevalence of Context-dependent Adjustment of Activity-travel Patterns in Energy Conservation Strategies: Results from a Mixture-amount Stated Adaptation Experiment. Transportation 43(1), 79-100.

Yang, D. & H.J.P. Timmermans (2014), Effects of fuel price on individual dynamic travel decisions: Binary probit selection model that uses GPS panel data, Transportation Research Record, 2412, 1-10.

Yang, D, Timmermans, H.J.P. and Grigolon, A., (2013). Exploring Heterogeneity in Travel Time Expenditure of Aging Populations in the Netherlands: Results of a CHAID Analysis. Journal of Transport Geography, 33, pp. 170-179.

Yang, D. and Timmermans, H.J.P., (2013). Analysis of Influence of Fuel Price on Individual Activity-travel Time Expenditure. Transport Policy, 30, pp. 40-55.

Yang, D. and Timmermans, H.J.P., (2012). Effects of Fuel Price Fluctuation on Individual CO2 Traffic Emissions: Empirical Findings from Pseudo Panel Data. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 54(4), pp. 493-502.

Yang, D. and Timmermans, H.J.P., (2011). Effects of Energy Price Fluctuation on Car-based Individual Activity-travel Behavior. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 20, pp. 547-557.

Timmermans, H.J.P., Khademi, E. Parvaneh, Z. Psarra, I. Rasouli, S. Sharmeen, F. and Yang, D. (2014). Dynamics in Activity-Travel Behavior: Framework and Selected Empirical Evidence, Asian Transport Studies, 3(1), pp. 1-27.

Yang, D. & Timmermans, H. J. P., 2020, Effects of green policies on household transport and energy consumption in Europe: a literature review. In Transport and Energy Research: A Behavioral Perspective. Zhang, J. (ed.). p. 31-63.

Yang, D. and H.J.P. Timmermans, 2013. Estimation of Influence of Fuel Price on Individual Dynamic Travel Behavior: Evidence from Pseudo Panel Data. In: M. Roorda and E.J. Miller (eds.), Travel Behaviour Research: Current Foundations, Future Prospects, Lulu Publishers, Toronto, pp.433-448.

Yang, D., G. Dane and H.J.P. Timmermans, 2013. Mixture Amount Experiments for Measuring Consumer Preferences of Energy-saving Adaptation Strategies: Principles and illustration. In: Vanoutrive, T. and Verhetsel, A. (eds.), Smart Transport Networks: Market Structure, Sustainability and Decision Making, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK & Northamption, MA, USA, pp. 222-238.

van Gool, S., Yang, D. & Pauwels, P., (2021) (Accepted/In press) Integrating sensor and building data flows: a case study of the IEQ of an office building in the Netherlands. Paper will be presented in the conference of the 13th European Conference on Product and Process Modeling, Moscow, Russian.

Donkers, A. J. A., Yang, D. & Baken, N. H. G., (2020). Linked Data for Smart Homes: Comparing RDF and Labeled Property Graphs. Presented in LDAC 2020 Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop, Dublin, Ireland.

Schoenmakers, M. J., Yang, D., Farah, H. & Alkim, T., (2020). The influence of road design aspects on human drivers behavioral adaptation when driving next to a platoon of automated vehicles on a dedicated lane on a highway in the Netherlands. Presented in the 6th international Symposium on Highway Geometric Design, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Schoenmakers, M. J., Yang, D., Farah, H. & Alkim, T., (2019). Automated vehicles and infrastructure design: an insight into the implications of a dedicated lane for automated vehicles on the highway in the Netherlands. Presented in the 13th ITS European Congress, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Yang, D., Farah, H., Schoenmakers, M. J. & Alkim, T., (2019). Human drivers behavioral adaptation when driving next to a platoon of automated vehicles on a dedicated lane and implications on traffic flow: a driving simulator and microscopic simulation study in the Netherlands. Presented in the 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA.

Gu, G., Feng, T., Yang, D. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2019). Influence of the adoption of new mobility tools on investments in home energy facilities: results of a stated choice experiment. Presented in the 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA.

Liu, Y., Yang, D., Timmermans, H. & de Vries, B., (2019). The impacts of the micro built environment on pedestrian route choice: a stated preference experiment. Presented in the hEART 2019: 8th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation,, Budapest, Hungary.

Rasouli, S., Kim, S. & Yang, D., (2018). Albatross IV: from single day to multi time horizon travel demand forecasting. Presented in the Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA.

Liu, Y., Yang, D., de Vries, B. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2018). Analysis of built environment influence on pedestrian route choice behavior in Dutch Design Week using GPS data. Presented in 9th international conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Lund, Sweden.

Kim, S., Rasouli, S., Timmermans, H. J. P. & Yang, D., (2018). A priority-based approach to dynamic multi-day activity generation: illustrated with PEV users’ charging behavior. Presented in the 15th international conference on Travel Behavior Research, California Santa Barbara, USA.

Gu, G., Feng, T., Yang, D. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2018). Dynamics in household car ownership considering life events: a latent class competing risk model. Presented in the 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, USA.

Kim, S., Rasouli, S., Timmermans, H. J. P. & Yang, D., (2018). Estimating panel effects in probabilistic representations of dynamic decision trees using Bayesian generalized linear mixture models. Presented in the 97th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, USA.

Gu, G., Yang, D., Feng, T. & Timmermans, H., (2018). Household vehicle holding decisions in response to life cycle events. Presented in the 21st EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting. EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT), Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Germany.

Yang, D., Kuijpers, A. G. J., Dane, G. Z. & van der Sande, T. P. J., (2018), Impacts of large-scale truck platooning on Dutch highways. Presented in the 21st EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Germany.

Yang, D., Brispat, R. D. & Han, Q., (2018). Towards sustainable school buildings: what barriers are school boards encountering in engagement with energy service companies (ESCOS?): evidence from the Netherlands. Presented in the 5th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, Zurich, Swaziland.

Kim, S., Yang, D. & Rasouli, S., (2016). Periodicity analysis of charging behavior of electric car drivers: latent class hazard models. Presented in the 13th international conference on design & decision support systems in architecture and urban planning, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Yang, D. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2015), Long-term household energy saving in response to energy pricing policies: Stated adaptation experiment based on portfolio choices and cross-effects designs. Presented in the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Record, Washington, DC, USA.

Yang, D., Arentze, T. A. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2014), Effects of energy price policies on individual's activity-travel repertoires: Empirical results using script-based activity-travel adaptation data. Presented in the 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, China.

Yang, D., (2013). Individual adaptation to activity-travel repertoires in response to energy price policies: A computerized stated adaptation survey and modeling approach. Presented in the 13th WCTR conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Yang, D. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2012). Modelling the impact of fuel price fluctuation on individual car travel behaviour: Evidence from GPS panel data. Presented in the 17th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, China.

Yang, D., Grigolon, A. B. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2012). Travel time expenditure of aging populations: results of a CHAID analysis. Paper presented at the 34th Conference of the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR 2012), Matsue, Japan.

Yang, D. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2011). Analysis of influence of fuel price on daily travel times expenditures for different activities. Presented in the 33rd Conference of the International Association for Time Use Research. Oxford, UK.

Yang, D., Dane, G. Z., Khademi, E. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2011). Consumer preferences for energy savings adaptation strategies: Transport choices versus activity profiles. Presented in the NECTAR Conference on 'Smart Networks - Smooth Transport - Smiling People', Antwerp, Belgium.

Khademi, E., Dane, G. Z., Timmermans, H. J. P. & Yang, D., (2011). Consumer response to accumulated transport charges: developing single attribute mixture-amount choice and preference experiments. Presented in the Mobil.TUM Conference, München, Germany.

Yang, D. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2011). Resource and activity-travel dynamics in adaptive response to changing energy supply conditions: results of a mixture-amount stated adaptation experiment. Presented in the 16th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, China.

Yang, D., Arentze, T. A. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2010). Analysis of differential impact of teleworking scenarios on household energy consumption: results of a CHAID analysis. Presented in the 10th Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Conference, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Yang, D., Arentze, T. A. & Timmermans, H. J. P., (2010). Primary and secondary effects of teleworking policies on household energy consumption. Presented in the 12th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Lisbon, Portugal.

Timmermans, H., Arentze, T., Cenani, S., Ma, H., Pontes De Aquino, A., Sharmeen, F. & Yang, D., (2010). U4IA: Emerging urban futures and opportune repertoires of individual adaptation: program overview. Presented in the10th International Conference on Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning. Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

Khademi, E., Dane, G.Z., Timmermans, H.J.P. and Yang, D., 2013. Consumer Response to Accumulated Transport Charges: Developing Single Attribute Mixture-Amount Preference Experiments. Strategies for Sustainable Mobilities: Opportunities and challenges, Chapter 8, Ashgate Publishing Limited.

Gamze Dane, Anna Grigolon, Soora Rasouli, Harry Timmermans and Dujuan Yang., 2015. Ageing Populations and Travel. In Hickman, R., Bonilla, D., Givoni, M. and Banister, D.(eds.): An International Handbook on Transport and Development, 556-570.